Privacy Policy
How Puhe Biopharma collects and uses your personal information How Puhe Biopharma uses Cookie and similar technologies How Puhe Biopharma discloses your personal information Your rights in the processing of personal information How Puhe Biopharma protects and retains your personal information How Puhe Biopharma processes children's personal information Third party providers and their services How to update the Policy How to contact Puhe Biopharma
Suzhou Puhe Biopharma Co., Ltd. and our affiliates around the world (hereinafter referred to as “Puhe Biopharma”, “we”, “us”, and “our”) are deeply aware that privacy is important to you and will respect your privacy. Please read and understand this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “the Policy”) before submitting personal information to Puhe Biopharma. This Policy applies to the Puhe Biopharma’s website, products and services that display this Privacy Policy or link to it. In particular, this website is hosted by Suzhou Puhe Biopharma Co., Ltd., who is the processor of the personal information collected on this website.

The Policy describes how Puhe Biopharma processes your personal information, but the Policy may not address all possible data processing scenarios. Information regarding the collection of product- or service-specific data may be set forth by Puhe Biopharma in the special privacy notices or supplemental statements issued for specific products or services, or in notices provided at the time of data collection.

The purpose of the Policy to help you understand the following:
1.How Puhe Biopharma collects and uses your personal information
2.How Puhe Biopharma uses Cookie and similar technologies
3.How Puhe Biopharma discloses your personal information
4.Your rights in the processing of personal information
5.How Puhe Biopharma protects and retains your personal information
6.How Puhe Biopharma processes children's personal information
7.Third party providers and their services
8.How to update the Policy
9.How to contact Puhe Biopharma
1. How Puhe Biopharma collects and uses your personal information

1.1 How Puhe Biopharma collects your personal information

Personal information refers to all kinds of information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person that is recorded electronically or by other means, excluding anonymized information. We may collect your personal information when you use Puhe Biopharma’s products and services or interact with us. The specific types of data collected will vary depending on the products and services you use and your interactions with us. You are not required to provide personal information to Puhe Biopharma, but in some cases, if you choose not to do so, Puhe Biopharma may not be able to provide you with the relevant products or services, or respond to or solve the problems you encounter. Puhe Biopharma will only collect and use your personal information for the purposes described in this statement, and the personal information we may collect includes:

1.1.1 Information you provide to Puhe Biopharma

(1) Personal contact information. When you contact us, give us opinions, suggestions or inquiries, participate in our online and offline activities, and subscribe to marketing materials, you may leave your contact information, including your name, company name, position, email address, phone number, etc.

1.1.2 Information obtained in the course of your interaction with us or use of our products and services

(1) Device and network information. We may collect information about your device when you use Puhe Biopharma’s products and services, such as device type, device name or model, device identifier, operating system type and version, browser type and version, screen resolution, language settings, IP address, network service provider, and other technical information that varies from product to product.

(2) Interaction record information. Such information will be submitted by you directly to us when you use our website, products or services, and interact with us. For example, the requests for information that you provide to us, including search information that you enter or questions or information that you provide in order to obtain customer service support. Your communication records online or by phone, e-mail, participation in online and offline activities, etc.

(3) Log information. When you use Puhe Biopharma's products and services or view content provided by Puhe Biopharma, Puhe Biopharma will automatically collect and store the necessary log information, such as the time of each access to the services, the path of the pages accessed, the IP address of the client, and event information (e.g. errors, crashes, reboots, upgrades), etc.

1.1.3 Information from third party sources and publicly available information. Where permitted by law, we also obtain relevant data from public and commercial third parties or publicly available sources, for example, we may purchase statistical data from other companies to support our services. Puhe Biopharma may also collect and use non-identifying data. Non-identifying data is data that cannot be used to identify an individual. For example, Puhe Biopharma will collect aggregated statistics, such as the website visits. Puhe Biopharma collects such data to understand how users use its website, products and services. By doing so, Puhe Biopharma can improve its services and better meet the customers needs. Puhe Biopharma may, in its sole discretion, collect, use, process, transfer or disclose non-identifying data for other purposes. We will endeavor to isolate your personal information from non-identifying data and use these two types of data separately. If personal information is mixed with non-identifying data, it will still be treated as personal information.


1.2 How Puhe Biopharma uses your personal information. We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

(1) To respond to your requests for interaction. When you visit our website, participate in online or offline activities, request for changes or ask for information you have requested (e.g., marketing materials for products or services, white papers, subscription to e-zines), and contact us regarding any questions or product information (e.g., to provide technical support, to provide us with opinions, suggestions, inquiries, etc.).

(2) To recommend relevant content, products or services to you. With your consent, send you information about products and services that may be of interest to you; invite you to participate in Puhe Biopharma's activities (including promotions), market research or satisfaction survey; or provide you with personalized contents and services when you visit online platforms such as the website and APP. If you do not want to receive such information, you may unsubscribe at any time by following the SMS prompts or other means provided by us.

Ÿ Troubleshoot errors where you choose to send us details of the error.

Ÿ Protect the security of our products, services and customers or users, and implement and improve our loss prevention and anti-fraud programs.

Ÿ Comply with and implement applicable legal requirements, relevant industry standards or our policies.

2. How Puhe Biopharma uses Cookie and similar technologies

2.1 Cookie

In order to ensure the normal running of our website, we will sometimes store small data files called Cookie on your computers or mobile devices. Cookie is a plain text file that is stored on a computer or mobile device by a web server. The contents of Cookie can only be retrieved or read by the server that created it. Each Cookie is unique to your web browser or mobile application. Cookie usually contains identifier, site name, and some numbers and characters. With the help of Cookie, websites are able to store data such as user preferences or commodities in the shopping baskets.

Puhe Biopharma enables Cookie for the same purpose that most websites or Internet service providers enable cookies for, that is, to improve the user experience. With the help of Cookie, websites are able to remember a user's single visit (using session Cookie) or multiple visits (using permanent Cookie). With the help of Cookie, websites are able to save settings such as the language, font size and other browsing preferences of the computer or mobile device. This means that users do not need to reconfigure their preferences each time they visit. If a website does not use Cookie, it treats a user as a new visitor each time when the user opens a web page. For example, if you log in to a website and then go to another webpage, the website will not recognize you and you will be logged out again. Puhe Biopharma will not use Cookie for any purpose other than those described in the Policy. You can manage or delete Cookie according to your preferences. For details, please refer to You can clear all Cookies stored on your computer and most web browsers have the function of blocking Cookie. However, if you do so, you will need to change your user settings yourself each time you visit our website.


2.2 Web beacons and pixel tags

In addition to cookies, we also use other similar technologies such as web beacons and pixel tags on our website. For example, emails sent to you by Puhe Biopharma may contain a click-through URL linking to content on the Puhe Biopharma’s website. If you click on the link, Puhe Biopharma will track the click to help us understand your product and service preferences and improve customer service. Web beacon is usually a transparent image embedded in a website or email. Pixel tags in emails enable us to know whether an email is opened. If you do not want your activity to be tracked in this way, you can unsubscribe from Puhe Biopharma's mail list at any time.

Your use of our website means that you agree to the use of Cookie, web beacons and pixel tags as described above.

3. How Puhe Biopharma discloses your personal information

In general, Puhe Biopharma will not disclose your personal information, except in the following cases:

(1) Where certain services are provided by an authorized partner of Puhe Biopharma, Puhe Biopharma may share your personal information with that partner as described in the Policy. For example, if the partner is authorized to process hotlines, send e-mails, and provide technical support on behalf of Puhe Biopharma, we will require the partner to use your personal information only for the purpose of providing services to you on behalf of Puhe Biopharma.

(2) We may disclose personal information among the affiliates of Puhe Biopharma, which however will be done only for a specific, explicit, and lawful purpose, and only to the extent necessary for providing the service.

(3) Puhe Biopharma may also disclose your personal information to the relevant law enforcement or other governmental authorities when required to do so by applicable law or in response to legal procedures. In some jurisdictions, your personal information may also be disclosed to counterparties if Puhe Biopharma is involved in reorganization, merger or bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings.

(4) Puhe Biopharma will also disclose your data where there is a legitimate need to do so, for example, in order to perform a contract and where we believe that disclosure is necessary and appropriate to prevent physical injury or property loss or to investigate possible or actual unlawful conduct.

4. Your rights in the processing of personal information

You should ensure that all personal information you submit is accurate. will endeavor to maintain the accuracy and integrity of personal information and to keep such information up to date. Where required by applicable law, you may

(1) Have the right to access and copy specific personal information we hold about you;

(2) Require us to update or correct your inaccurate personal information;

(3) Refuse or restrict our use of your personal information;

(4) Require us to delete your personal information;

(5) Require us to explain the rules for processing personal information. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please click here to send us an online feedback. For security purposes, you may be required to provide a written request. We may refuse to process a request if we have a reasonable basis to believe that the request is fraudulent, unenforceable, or compromises the privacy rights of others.

Where required by the applicable law, when Puhe Biopharma is processing your personal information based on your consent, you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, the withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality and validity of our processing of your personal information based on your consent prior to the withdrawal, nor will it affect our processing of your personal information based on other appropriate bases of legitimacy.

5. How Puhe Biopharma protects and retains your personal information

Puhe Biopharma attaches importance to the security of personal information. We will take appropriate physical, management and technical safeguard measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss. For example, we will use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data; use protection mechanism to prevent malicious attacks on data; deploy access control mechanism to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to personal information; and hold security and privacy protection training sessions to enhance employee awareness of the importance of protecting personal information. We will do our best to protect your personal information, however, please note that no security measure is impeccable.

We will retain your personal information for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes described in the Policy, unless an extension of the retention period is required or permitted by law. The data retention period may vary based on different scenarios and different products and services, the criteria we use to determine the retention period include: the time during which the personal information is required to be retained to achieve the business purpose, including providing products and services, maintaining corresponding transaction and business records, controlling and improving the performance and quality of the products and services, ensuring the security of the systems, products and services, responding to possible inquiries or complaints from users, locating problems, etc.; whether the user agrees to a longer retention period; whether there are special requirements for data retention in laws and contracts, etc.

6. How Puhe Biopharma processes children's personal information

Our products, websites and services are primarily intended for adults. Children (minors under the age of 14) are not allowed to create their own user accounts without the consent of their parents or guardians. In cases where personal information about children is collected with the consent of their parents, we will only use or disclose such data as permitted by law, with the express consent of the parents or guardians, or as necessary to protect the children. In the event that Puhe Biopharma becomes aware that it has collected personal information from a child without obtaining prior parental consent that can be confirmed, it will endeavor to delete the data as soon as possible.

7. Third party providers and their services

In order to ensure a smooth browsing experience, you may receive content or web links from external third parties of Puhe Biopharma and its partners (hereinafter referred to as the “Third Parties”). Puhe Biopharma has no control over such Third Parties. It is your choice whether or not to access the links, content, products and services provided by the Third Parties.

Puhe Biopharma has no control over the privacy and data protection policies of the Third Parties, and such Third Parties are not bound by the Policy. Please see the privacy policies of such Third Parties before submitting personal information to them.

8. How to update the Policy

Puhe Biopharma reserves the right to update or modify the Policy from time to time. If our Privacy Policy is changed, we will post the latest version of the Privacy Policy here. If we make material changes to our Privacy Policy, we may also send you a change notice through various channels, such as posting a notice on our website or sending you a separate notice.

9. How to contact Puhe Biopharma

If you have any privacy complaints or questions and need to contact the Data Protection Officer of Puhe Biopharma, please click here. In general, we will reply within fifteen working days. If you are not satisfied with our reply, in particular if our personal information processing behavior has harmed your legitimate rights and interests, you can also file a complaint or report to the regulatory authorities such as cyberspace administration, telecommunications, public security and industry and commerce departments.